Hey everyone,
Sorry for the slow update, i'm working on multiple projects at the moment and its been difficult moving this piece forward.
But I am, non the less, working on it =P
So please do stick around and see it when its done =P
I do find it easier to post on my Facebook page, and therefore I find myself sometimes posting more on it (Facebook) than blogger (here). So if you like my art, please follow me on Facebook :
These last two weeks i've also worked on a little bit of animation, although i can only share a small snip-it for now =P
And lastly,
I have an expecting friend, and so as a gift I thought i'd make her (or her newborn) a teddy bear =)
It's the first time i've ever endeavoured knitting something this complex, but with a little bit of help I managed to get something pretty decent =P
Let me know what you think =D
Anyways, thats all for now,
Until next time,
~ Ariane
My Website: www.apicsstudio.com
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Deviantart: www.arianetorelli.deviantart.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Ariane-Torelli/1045334868827623
Instagram: Ariane Torelli
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under the name "Ariane Torelli "