So i'll apologise now, because this is going to be a long blog ~ but it will have TONS of photos and a few films ~ so it shouldn't be too bad =P
So at the start of last week, I broke apart the first frame of the film student's storyboard so that we can start working on the animatic ~
and although you can't see the layers in this you'll just have to take my word for it ~
The other thing that happened at the start of last week ~ i finished my pre-vis for my short story ~ I even added a quick title/end credits sequence at the end to get a sense of how long the entire thing will be.
I've sent it off to the sound students and hopefully i'll have a music sample sometime soon
Going onto Anthony's section of assignments ~
This week i finished the constraints assignment,
although it ended up in a rather poor condition, because after the 4th time re-starting the assignment and STILL running into gimble ~ i gave up hope hahaha
Some screen shots ->
In more exciting news ~ i finally finished re-rendering my library~! yay =D ~!
I will also be adding a hat stand with the wizard's hat on it ~
I just have to ask him how to constrain the foot ~ then i can start learning how to skin =P
Here i'm showing how my thumb (and other two fingers) have set driven keys
for curling and stretch for both knuckles as well as spread.
In this one I'm just showing how my main hand-control's set driven keys
are fist and spread ~ so you don't have to do each finger individually.
Also, if you can recall, a while ago we did some green screening at ABC ~ the film students have finally sent us the footage and we can start green screening and adding CGI ~ I've done a quick storyboard so far ->
the teleport machine opens both vertically and horizontally ~ and will be the only 3D element in the scene.
and Lastly (in terms of tafe and study) ~ i've been working on the expo ~
In these last two weeks i've designed a few logo's ->
and collected 3 'best pieces' from students in an attempt to make a gallery page for the expo webpage.
And as the very very last thing ~
I don't know if you guys remember, but at the end of last year i was lucky enough to get work experience working for a guy named Mauricio Alpizar.
He's a fashion designer and he wanted me to make a 'fashion look book' for his cloths that were being displayed in the New York Fashion week.
Here's the video i did last year:
And now he's come back asking for more work ~ very very exciting but also slightly stressful as he need everything done at the same time as all our assignments are due ~ but thats ok, ill manage ~ even if it means a few nights without sleep =P
Anyways, until next time everyone ~
~ Ariane
thanks ^^ took forever to render xD