Sunday, 9 March 2014

The Past few Weeks ~

Hey world ~

I've done a bit of animation ~ although, it is still only a rough ~  i haven't gone through and refined it just yet ~

So i was planing to post a fully finished drawing each week ~
but as life is ~ it got in the way ~ so i only have sketches of the past few weeks ~ ill explain the themes and the drawings so that they make more sense for everyone.

This first one was week 3's drawing ~ the theme was 'steam'
It's suppose to be a steam powered penny farthing
I plan to finish this one

 This next one was week 4's drawing ~ the theme was 'swords, knives and pointy things' ~
I wasn't to sure what to do for this one

This last one was this week's drawing, the theme was 'magic/mystery' ~
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory =) ~ she's a witch/magician 

Thats all for this week,
until next time ~

~ Ariane

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