Friday, 31 May 2013

Assignments and Video Catch up

So this blog entry is really more about updating you guys about everything that i've finished before i go and finish my last three assignments xD

So i finished my stylised Prop ~

It's the cupboard my Guardian will be getting out of =P
This was the concept art for it :

and this is what it turned out like :

Also, I finished the Hard Surface Modelling assignment a little while ago, it was based on a whale diving. 

This is the concept art for it :

and this is what it turned out like :

Lastly, recently we had interviews for a chance to get a spot in a  company for work experience. 
For that we were asked to make a 'demo reel' of sorts, that had our top three animations in it ~ this is what i chose to do : 

I decided to go with, one - 3D character animation, one - 3D Modelling and one - 2D animation - just to cover all the area's. 

Anyway, thats all for now 
~ Until next time


  1. thanks Alana ^^ how's your prop coming along?

  2. Ariane your cupboard is awesome xD I love the hairbrush handle xp I think it needs a little extra grunge its to clean for your silly guardian :p
